
AARKAY Consulting provides professional software development, web designing and development services, serving clients worldwide. We are focused on helping you maximize the value from your IT investment - from Web Development to Support - and everything in-between. We provide you with the tools, expertise and experience to: help your business grow, reduce your overall costs, and simplify your IT environment.

We are a full life-cycle consulting company that specializes in utilizing the most cost effective technology solutions and services to solve business problems. We assist our clients in assessing and implementing both Open Source Software Solutions and Cloud Computing alternatives. We couple this with offering the right blend of onshore and offshore services resulting providing solutions that offer the least total cost of ownership (TCO).

Aarkay consulting is here to help you handle your IT business challenges. We can develop a complete from-scratch solution customized to your business needs and capabilities as well as leverage your existing IT investments while adjusting to your infrastructure. Our 4D model is dedicated to providing a complete dynamic solution superficially tailored to fit your business needs.V Offers Solution: V Group Inc. has successfully incorporated the 4D model:

Define – Design – Develop – Deploy in implementation of our projects.